The Book of Genesis is a goldmine of spiritual truths that uncover to us believers some wonderful perspective as to our spiritual origin. These truths that can only be revealed by the spirit of truth himself whom Jesus said will show, teach and guide us into all truths.
This book was written by the Prophet Moses who is accepted as one of the greatest prophets to have ever lived. A basic understanding of the prophetic and how prophets communicate begins to uncover to us that these scriptures mean more than what they say as prophets are mostly compelled to communicate in signs and symbols as they try to explain or communicate with their earthly language an experience from another dimension into this reality.
To capture successfully all that they’ve seen or heard plainly sometimes is almost next to impossible hence the employment of signs and symbols which can help confer the spiritual understanding and truth that God seeks to communicate through their experience. It’s like going to a Cosmopolitan City Like New York and tryng to describe what you saw to people in a rural village in Nigeria or Uganda, You will lack similar examples from the surroundings to use.
The creation story in Genesis was one of such moments as the Prophet Moses communicated what he saw as signs and symbols employing the language, traditions and environmental figures of the day such as rivers, trees and cultural names to try and communicate what he saw. The first 5-7 chapters of the Book of Genesis are filled with signs and symbols and while there’s a place for interpretation of it as it is, it is wisdom to understand that they mean more than what they communicate as do all scriptures especially when the spirit of truth broods over them, bringing to light the truth that they hold.
An Interesting piece to look at in the book of Genesis is the creation of Man in Gen 1:26-27 where the Godhead conversing within themselves decided to create Man in their image and likeness. Where did the Godhead have this conversation ? In a dimension outside of creation hence it was hidden from all of creation because no facet or dimension of eternity had a record of this conversation except when it was revealed by God to Moses and even until now, only Men have been given access to the record and details of this conversation which transpired outside creation in God.
After The Godhead decided to create Man- Man was created as a light structure crafted with the potential to mirror different facets of God’s Being which existed before there was a creation. It was as though the limitless light emitted from God’s DNA was used as a raw material to create Man and these lights which were symbolic of us in a Pre-existing state or consciousness. This light was the materiality that was used to create the first Man, Adam.
Before the word was made flesh in the person of Jesus, He had a pre-incarnate self-known as the Word of God. This pre-incarnate persona was the image and likeness the Godhead referred to in Gen 1:26 whom they wanted to model Man After. In the previous paragraph, we stated how the first man was created from the light from God’s DNA, that DNA is the Word of God. The blueprint and model for the creation of the first Man was the Person of the Word of God, not the letters but a living Persona that existed even before there were any creation hence, we see Jesus (The Word made flesh) in John 17:5 asking the Father to glorify him with himself which was the glory he had with him before the world was.
Man was created in God. Before Man ever stepped into any created construct either of space or time, he had his first existence in God and the only consciousness he had was God. This is where all of mankind has their origin. From there, they were all encoded into the genetics of the First Man. What was encoded into the genetics of the First Man was not just mere people but people who were reflections of the image and model of the Godhead – The Word of God.
Christ The Word made flesh is our true inheritance as believers. Christ who is the embodiment of God’s DNA is whom we’ve become one spirit with and now we are divine partakers of God’s nature through him. This is why the model – The Pre-incarnate Persona had to leave his estate in God and incarnate as a Man – Jesus to die and redeem us so that he can take us back to that estate from which we came from – Our true origin.
This is why Jesus said that though we are in the world, we are not of this world. It’s time to shed the consciousness of this present world and age, and journey into our true home and origin which is in Christ – The Consciousness we had in him before we were even created as Man. We are Seated in Christ Jesus – Welcome to Your True Home